What We Do


Commuters can do more than drive by themselves to and from work.

Explore innovative ways to shake up your commute with goCommute by carpooling!

Carpooling is simply sharing a ride with others. There are several ways to arrange a carpool:

  • One person drives regularly, and passengers share the costs.

  • Participants take turns driving.

  • Drivers can either pick up passengers or meet at a central location.

  • All costs are shared between you and your carpooler or service provider.

  • Family members can also carpool together.


Carpool Benefits

Save Money

Maintain the Life of Your Vehicle

Reduce Traffic Congestion

Decrease Stress

  • Starting a carpool is easy. Here are some ways you can start a carpool:

    • Locate coworkers who live near you or on your regular route to/from work and decide on driving/passenger arrangements

    • Register on the ConnectingVA app to establish yourself as a driver and find potential passengers

  • Interested in carpooling but don’t want to start from scratch? Join an existing carpool! Here’s how:

    • Download and register with the ConnectingVA app

    • Create your profile

    • Search for carpools headed to your place of work

    • Locate the ones closest to your point of origin

    • Message users directly in the app to arrange for dates, times and pickup locations!