Vanpooling is a shared ride service involving five or more people, typically coworkers, or individuals commuting together in a 7-15 passenger vehicle, such as an SUV or van.
The GoPass365 is a commuter boarding pass that remains active for 365 days, and can be used on every mode of transportation offered by Hampton Roads Transit, except Paratransit and Vanpool services. Passes are purchased by employers, colleges, and consortiums to help with the transportation needs of students and employees, or as an incentive or benefit.
Park & Ride
Commuting gets easier when you use Park & Ride lots! At goCommute, we partner with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to offer free parking at lots across our service area.
BikeBoost is how we at goCommute make eco-friendly commuting a reality. We install bike racks and repair stations throughout the region to make biking to and from work a breeze.